Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Super-Soft Sweet Potato Crescents!

Pleasantly, the Christmas holiday for the Perkins' family has been

one of celebrating friendships old and new. We spent Christmas eve day walking from neighbor's house to neighbor's house, sharing little gifts and a few moments of conversation. That evening was spent at two very different services - one in a cozy, warm church , serenaded by electric guitars, drums and beautiful voices and surrounded with friends and family.  The later service was in an unheated barn, decorated with tiny, twinkling lights. We sat on cold bales of hay and listened intently to a very special Christmas story that illustrated the gift that was given to mankind that night. Singing "Silent Night", we proceeded out of the barn at midnight, our hearts full and grateful for all these celebrations of  "Love come down".

We also got to share a meal earlier in the week with friends we hadn't visited with in quite a long time. Time disappeared as we ate, laughed, played cards and reminisced. I made these super-soft and super-tasty crescents as a part of our meal.......the extra loaf was used as a surprise gift for our friends to take home with them!

 Super-Soft Sweet Potato Crescents!

½ Cup milk, warmed to the touch
1 Tbsp./Packet Red Star Platinum Yeast
3-4 Cups unbleached, all-purpose flour
¼ Cup honey
3 Tbsp. butter, softened
1 tsp. salt
1/8 tsp. ground nutmeg
2 eggs
1 Cup sweet potato puree (about one medium sweet potato, boiled, mashed and cooled)

*This recipe will make 24 crescents or 12 crescents and one loaf or…….. J

Place warm milk and yeast in EZ DOH bucket and stir to dissolve yeast. Let rest 1 minute. Add one cup of flour, then additional dough ingredients. EZ DOH-it for 2-3 minutes, or until dough is smooth and soft and all ingredients are incorporated, starting with 3 cups of flour and adding more flour as necessary to produce a dough that is soft and barely sticky.  Remove dough from bucket, spray bucket with cooking spray, “smooth” dough and replace in bucket. Cover and let rise until doubled.

Divide dough in half. Roll one half out into a 14” circle. Score circle into 12 triangles. Lift each triangle and roll from the larger end to the point. Place into a greased rectangular pan (I used a 7x10”), six on each side. Repeat with remaining dough or use remaining dough to make a loaf (Use a greased medium loaf pan) . Cover with a tea towel and let rise in a warm place until doubled. Bake at 375 for 20-30 minutes, until golden. Cool and enjoy (I sprinkled the rolls with a tiny bit of brown sugar and coarse good!) 


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